
For more details on rates and charges for the financial year, please click on the link below to view Council’s adopted Revenue Statement as part of the 2024-2025 Budget or the Rating Category Statement 2024-2025 that accompanies Council’s rates notices:

Revenue Statement 2024-25(PDF, 451KB)

Rating Category Statement 2024-25(PDF, 164KB)

You can make an application for a Rates Payment Arrangement to be considered for a payment arrangement by Council.

To download a copy of this form, please see the Forms and Applications section below.

Rates concessions for not-for-profit organisations

Council will consider applications for remissions of general rates, water infrastructure, sewer infrastructure and water consumption charges for not-for-profit organisations.

The applicant organisation must be the owner or lessee and occupier of the land with the rate notice being issued in the organisation’s name. 

Refer to Council's Rates Concession – Not for Profit Policy(PDF, 148KB) (CORP-POL-025) for full details of eligibility criteria. 

The application must be made on the prescribed form.

Pensioner subsidy and concession

Council invites pensioner ratepayers who are NOT currently receiving a rate subsidy from the Queensland Government to lodge an application for the rate subsidy at one of your local Council Customer Service Centre's.

Approved pensioners who are owner occupiers or life tenant by way of a valid Will and meet all other eligibility requirements, may be entitled to a 20 per cent Queensland Government subsidy on rates and charges levied by Council up to a maximum of $200 per annum.

Pensioners who qualify for the State subsidy are those who:

  • hold a current Queensland Pensioner Concession Card or a Queensland Repatriation Health Card. For all conditions (Gold Card) issued by Centrelink or the Australian Government's Department of Veterans’ Affairs; and
  • are the OWNER/S OR LIFE TENANT (either solely or jointly) of the property within the boundaries of Isaac Regional Council which is their principal place of residence.

Details of the subsidy can be found at: https://www.qld.gov.au/community/cost-of-living-support/rates-subsidy

Pensioners may also be entitled to the Council Pension Concession of 30 per cent on rates and charges levied by Council.

Details of the Council Pensioner Concession can be found as part of the Revenue Statement.  The Council Pensioner Concession will only apply if all owners meet the eligibility requirements.

Only new applicants or those whose circumstances have changed need apply. All applications for the Council Pensioner Concession must be in writing on the prescribed form and can be lodged at any Council office.

The Council Pensioner Concession will commence from the 1 July in the financial year that the concession application is received in, or pro-rata if the pensioner became eligible during the financial year.  Applications will not be applied retrospectively to previous financial years.

Please note when applying for the pensioner rate subsidy and/or concession, you must include a copy of the relevant pension card (front and back) for all applicants.

Principal place of residence

Ratepayers can apply for Principal Place of Residence status on your property by completing the prescribed form.  Principal Place of Residence is defined as a residential dwelling or unit where at least one owner permanently resides on the property and the owner can verify this status. 

For the full definition and further information, please see Council’s Revenue Statement.(PDF, 538KB)

Prepay your rates

Ratepayers are encouraged to get ahead of their bills by prepaying rates throughout the year.

You can use the biller code and reference number from your previous rates notices.

How to prepay your rates 

Council has a number of easy payment options including BPAY instalments weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

Then set up a BPAY payment using the biller code and reference number on your rates notice.

For more details or for an estimate of your prepaid amount please see below for contact details.

Register for electronic rates

If you are experiencing delays in postal service or would like to receive electronic notices, contact Council to register your email address.

If you have a change in circumstance, please update your contact details to ensure the prompt delivery of your rates notices.

Property search request

To perform a search for rates and water, building, planning, environmental or minor engineering information on a property, complete a Property Search Request Form(PDF, 811KB) and submit to Council with relevant search fees or charges.
See below for contact details. 

What happens with the rates and water bill when buying or selling a property?

If you are buying or selling a property in the Isaac region, we suggest contacting your solicitor or conveyancer to ensure they request a rates search from Council prior to settlement. This search includes a special water meter reading and will provide your solicitor or conveyancer with the relevant information to identify and calculate all the water usage and access charges incurred by the previous owner up to the date of settlement. This ensures the purchase price of the property is adjusted according to the charges on the special water meter reading at the time of settlement.

If you are purchasing, please note that when you receive your water bill for your new property, it may still include the water usage and access charges of the previous owner (the charges will vary depending on when you purchased the property). If charges are applicable when you receive the new account, these charges will be payable by you, as you should have already been reimbursed for the previous owner’s charges in the settlement process outlined above. The calculations for the reimbursement are detailed on the Settlement Statement provided by your solicitor or conveyancer. Contact your solicitor or conveyancer for further questions.

Adjustment of rates and/or any loss of discount on sales is a matter for settlement between the parties concerned and is NOT the responsibility of the Council.