ABC Muster Dogs’ star Frank Finger



As a Clermont cattle grazier, Frank Finger and his kelpie working dog Annie, stole the hearts of the nation for building community bonds through prized volunteer work.  

The third-generation farmer has a persistent determination to the agricultural industry, love for his muster dogs and for sharing his stories with residents at MontCler. 

The national award winner of the Muster Dog series has raised the profile of the Clermont and Isaac region across Australia. 

Frank has made appearances with his dogs at many local events such as the Long Drive for Drought, the Clermont Gold and Coal Festival and the Beef Expo.  

He and his family run regular dog training schools to share the benefits of his experience with other cattle producers, emphasising the need for humane treatment and personal interaction with his dogs.  

Frank is a strong supporter of the local tourism industry, making his grazing land available to prospectors.  

He is a valuable industry advisor to the Agricultural Program at the Clermont High School, offering support and opportunities to many students.  

He lends cattle as a teaching and learning resource and makes his property available for activities. He also provides a venue for Year 10 work experience.  

Frank has been a strong supporter of the Clermont Show, acting as a committee member for many years and continuing his support as a contributor and a sponsor to the present.  

And to top it all off, Frank and his family have been generous supporters of the Queensland Working Dog Trials since its inception around 20 years ago.