Kids in the garden


Children benefit physically, and mentally from learning how to garden. It also gives them a great opportunity to get dirty outdoors while giving their parents a hand in making something great in the backyard. Children love to be active learners, and this is a great way for them to grow knowledge about life, environment and even species interactions in a way that’s going to influence their positive mental health and relationships with others involved.  

Learning together

Adults don’t know everything, and learning is better when we learn together. Starting a garden project is a great way to learn a new skill and build stronger bonds with your kids.  There are endless projects to kick start your perfect garden and make lasting memories. Sitting down as a family and discussing what you want to put in your garden creates an environment in your home that everybody can be a part of.  

So, what kind of projects are safe and fun for everyone? 

There are heaps of things you can do from building gardens to harvesting mulch, so here’s just a few top ideas to get you inspired. 

Garden types 

  • Herb, vegetable and fruit gardens 
  • Native gardens and plants 
  • Succulent gardens and potting 
  • Flower beds 
  • Bird and butterfly attracting garden 

Be creative 

  • Paint some garden pots and garden rocks 
  • Create a garden arch with creeping vines 
  • Build a mini rainforest in a jar (terrarium)  
  • Make a bird feeder 
  • Build a pond 

Sustainable ideas 

  • Build mini native beehives at home 
  • Create your own compost 
  • Build a worm farm  
  • Recycle old household product into garden beds, pot and decorations 
  • Propagate new seedlings or cuttings 

And these are just a few! The best part about gardening is that you can let your imagination run wild! 

Getting started 

The first step is to a choose a project. Whether its big or small, sharing project ideas can help excite young minds and process some creative and imaginative thoughts. Of course, there are the considerations of budget, so maybe use some items you already have and give them a new purpose.  

Next, do your research! You don’t have to know what you are doing before you begin. There is a lot of helpful gardening tips online, in books, and through gardening and idea sharing apps. Once you know how to complete your project and what you need, it is off to your local gardening store for supplies and advice (if you need any).  

The last step is to get into it, be creative and have fun! Enjoy creating special moments with family and friends, whilst building a healthy new environment in your backyard you can enjoy for years to come.   

 For more information or to find more inspiration click here.