Sustainability information

What is sustainability?

With a growing population and high demand for resources that sustains it, the world is adapting to what is required to maintain economy, wellbeing and the environment. Sustainable practices are important for preventing losses to economic strength and environmental impacts during a short or long-term environmental event. In the Isaac region, our actions as a community could greatly reduce water loss in drought, lower carbon emissions, reduce waste, and minimise personal costs in utilities.  

Be waterwise

Australia is the driest continent that is inhabited by people in the world. The plants and animals that evolved within the Australian landscape have adapted to the scarcity of water. However, the changing climate and population growth add stresses to water supplies on local, national and global scales. This puts pressure on the survivability rates of Australian species and jeopardises the health of many already threatened ecosystems.  

The Queensland Governments ‘Using Water Wisely’ guidelines aim to manage and conserve water consumption on a personal scale, particularly areas around schools, homes, gardens and in the workplace. The guidelines address water consumerism by advising physical changes to these areas that are achievable by all members of the community as well as ongoing tools to assist with waterwise education. To learn more about being waterwise in your home or community please visit Using water wisely, or alternatively look at our local tips for water wise lawns.

Sustainable homes

Home designs that are more ecofriendly are getting increasingly more popular for their comfortability and long-term cost effectiveness. The ‘Your Home’ website provides information for builders and residents on sustainable options around the home. Information provided covers; climate factors, home design and construction advice, education and research information and sustainable urban development options. Find out more about sustainable homes on the Australian Government's Your Home page.   

Be energy smart

Australians generate an average of 18 Tonnes of Green House Gases (GHG’s) every year, which is one-fifth of Australia’s total GHG emissions. By reducing your household energy consumption, you not only create a smaller GHG footprint, but you can also save money. To reduce your energy cost, you could consider more efficient insulation, switching to solar power, purchasing energy efficient appliances or turning off all unused technology. To see more information about these topics or topics like these please head to the Reduce your energy bills website.  

Sustainability and health

Thinking of ways to become a little more environmentally friendly can be easy, fun and good for your health. Changing bad habits for good habits can improve your mental and physical wellbeing for yourself and your family.  

Consider a few easy changes that you might like to try in your home: 

Tips like this and more can be found on the Isaac Regional Council website under the sustainability folder. Being environmentally conscious is everyone’s responsibility and making small changes to your sustainable lifestyle can improve your health, save money, boost the economy and help save the planet.  


To read more about  Circular economy | Department of Environment and Science click here.